It was nice surprise to look at my bank account this morning and see an extra 1200 bucks in there! The big question now is what are we gonna do with our cash? My first thought along with probably half of America is a new plasma TV, but alas I'm not gonna let that giddy smell of free money get the best of my senses! The question comes up -If I keep it in the bank will it be my fault the economy is slow? Who knows for sure, but I think that there are enough people in this country who spend way more than they earn who will off set my lack of spending. Call me old fashion but I am gonna leave mine exactly where my nice uncle Sam placed my bank account at least for now, until my nose has cleared that sweet smell of green I can't make a WISE decison. Don't get me wrong, I'm no scrooge. I'm gonna do my part to help the economy. Today I am gonna get an extra large drink for lunch instead of just ordering a regular, and honestly 1200 is just not enough for the TV of my dreams!
Mine is going right to my savings account, where it will hopefully stay for a while.
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