Monday, April 16, 2007


We started off the day like the other days on the trip, breakfast by the pool in the warm sun at our favorite table! After breakfast we went over to Kevin's house and loaded up the car with our junk and the jet ski's! We spent most the day on those things...what a fun day! We saw a few dolphins swimming right next to us,like right next to us, I was so close I could have jumped onto one of the dolphins, it was cool. In the afternoon we met up with some of Kevin's friends at the beach and we took turns taking the jet ski's out one at a time! After a while the sun was to hot to be outside anymore so we decided to make our way back home on the jet ski's which was about a 20min. ride after you get through all the no wake zones, TOTAL BLAST! That evening after we got cleaned up and took a dip in the pool we went to Sam Seltzer's Steakhouse for supper. The food was great, the company was great, and the whole day was great! We spent the rest of the night at the house watching the Dish!


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