Wednesday, April 25, 2007
This morning I woke up around 6:30 and heard it pouring down rain...not all that strange I know but then I had one of those thoughts come racing to the front of my mind..."I left my car window half open"...oops! I went running down the stairs and toward the door and realized I was just wearing some boxers, so I went to the closet and grabbed a coat and ran outside. After the cold wet run to the car I sat down in it and shut the door. (remember it's 6:30 and I'm not all there) I put the keys in and rolled up the window and then ran back to the house. I was soaked! I sat right in the wet seat, and ran through the rain and all of this happened in a matter of seconds! You gotta love those early morning thoughts while you half asleep!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Breakfast was finally eaten on the go because we were trying to get to church on time! We attended Next Level Church Sunday morning with Kevin and we really enjoyed it! We all walked away with something valuable that we could use and something fun we could eat! (snickers bars) After Church we went shopping for a little bit and then pulled into a Sonic for a bite to eat! We drove home after that and got stuff ready for my friends Jason and Lauren to come over and hang out with us! We had a fun time together which included some food, TV,naps, Swimming,laughing,and then some more food which is a good Sunday schedule in my book! For supper we went to this great place called Pinchers Crab Shack where I had crab legs for the first time(sheltered I know) Overall the night was full good memories with good friends! After Jason and Lauren took off we watched more TV and all kinda had the blues because we knew Monday was coming...Vacation is almost over...
We started off the day like the other days on the trip, breakfast by the pool in the warm sun at our favorite table! After breakfast we went over to Kevin's house and loaded up the car with our junk and the jet ski's! We spent most the day on those things...what a fun day! We saw a few dolphins swimming right next to us,like right next to us, I was so close I could have jumped onto one of the dolphins, it was cool. In the afternoon we met up with some of Kevin's friends at the beach and we took turns taking the jet ski's out one at a time! After a while the sun was to hot to be outside anymore so we decided to make our way back home on the jet ski's which was about a 20min. ride after you get through all the no wake zones, TOTAL BLAST! That evening after we got cleaned up and took a dip in the pool we went to Sam Seltzer's Steakhouse for supper. The food was great, the company was great, and the whole day was great! We spent the rest of the night at the house watching the Dish!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
We are still having the time of our lives! Florida is great! We started the day off at the pool side dining table(pic to the left) with some great breakfast, then we got into our Uplander and drove to Sanibel and Captiva Island. We spent the morning at the beach laying out in the hot sun then taking a dip in the warm Ocean water and then reapeating the process. After we had cooked for a while in the sun we found a bike rental place and rented some sweet bikes! It was time for lunch after that so we rode across the street from the rental and ate at this great place called Hungry Heron.
The portions were huge and the plates were shaped like fish, it was an island kind of place if you know what I mean...after lunch we had to ride all that food off and we did. The whole Island has bike trails all over it and they are all paved. I saw almost as many bikes as cars there, so you understand how fun it could be riding all over! After biking for quite a while we decided to park the bikes and head back to the house. We got back home and decided to take a swim, since the pool is just asking us to jump into it, it's hard to resist. We got the fishing poles out after that, I threw into the water and pulled a catfish out in a matter of minutes! Dinner came after that(not the catfish) we ate shish kabob's with chicken,shrimp,steak, and a bunch of veggies. After that a few games of sequence and some oreo's and milk we went to bed! What a fun day!

Starting the day off with breakfast by the pool we had a fun 2nd day!
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Well we arrived in Clearwater safe and sound last night about 7:50pm after a very nice flight we went to the alamo booth to pick up our mid-size car...which ended up being a uplander van...long story! So we cruised in our sweet van to ft. Myers and arrived there at about 11pm(thanks to Magellan). After turning on the hot tub and taking in the house (which was paradise!) we took a trip to Wal-mart to stock up on some supplies for our weekend! At about 2:30am we jumped into the hot tub and enjoyed the warm morning! After that our beds where calling! Two thumbs for Florida
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tomorrow we are leaving the still snowy town of South Bend for a much warmer climate, Ruth and I and two of the coolest people we know (Will & Jen) are gonna go get some much needed rest and relaxation down in sunny Florida! I am gonna try to post about our days and put some pictures up so check back soon!
Monday, April 09, 2007
I had a great Easter!
Here are the highlights in no particular order!
Family, Turkey, Wii Bowling, Card games, Church, Ham, Music, Phone calls, You Tube, Friends, Beef Jerky, M&M's, Good news, Jello eggs!
Here are the highlights in no particular order!
Family, Turkey, Wii Bowling, Card games, Church, Ham, Music, Phone calls, You Tube, Friends, Beef Jerky, M&M's, Good news, Jello eggs!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
MY 26TH!
It's been a while...Sorry, but I have a good word Wii! Yes, I got the wii that I always wanted this last Sunday for my birthday! My family(and brother Jason) pulled through and found one of the impossible to find Nintendo Wii's and totally suprised me with it on my April fool's day birthday Party! Here are some photo's of the Wii, Cake, and our friends the Kriders