Tuesday, October 31, 2006
We are leaving the a bowl of candy on our front porch for because we can't be there to pass it out. Dangerous territory is what I say, but we will see how the honor system all pans out!
(I am not gonna put out a nice bowl because that might not be there when I get home)
(I am not gonna put out a nice bowl because that might not be there when I get home)
I've been trying to load the pictures all morning of the pumpkin party! But alas the server is giving me trouble! Tonight I will try again!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Today marks 1 year since Kyle Lake passed away. I didn't personlly know him but felt like I did. I have tremedous respect for him and the legacy he left behind. That is why I want to honor him today. I started listening to his sermons and checking out some of his books a few months before he died. Good stuff!
I remember last year working on a rental house and listening to the morning radio. They said that a pastor name Kyle Lake from Texas died in a freak electrocution that day before! I was speechless, I had been really getting in to this guys stuff and he was so young. It really kind of made me think, it just hit me really hard. I went home and found out everything I could about the story and what was happening down in Texas. I felt really sad about the whole thing, like I said before I didn't even know this guy but he had left an impression on me. A few days later I was able to get the mp3 of his funeral which was as encouraging as Kyle's sermons.
UBC the church that Kyle pastored released the notes from his final sermon the day he left this earth. This is the end of his sermon, some inspiring words from Kyle Lake, take time to read them.
Live. And Live Well.BREATHE. Breathe in and Breathe deeply. Be PRESENT. Do not be past. Do not be future. Be now.On a crystal clear, breezy 70 degree day, roll down the windows and FEEL the wind against your skin. Feel the warmth of the sun.If you run, then allow those first few breaths on a cool Autumn day to FREEZE your lungs and do not just be alarmed, be ALIVE.Get knee-deep in a novel and LOSE track of time.If you bike, pedal HARD… and if you crash then crash well.Feel the SATISFACTION of a job well done—a paper well-written, a project thoroughly completed, a play well-performed.If you must wipe the snot from your 3-year old’s nose, don’t be disgusted if the Kleenex didn’t catch it all… because soon he’ll be wiping his own.If you’ve recently experienced loss, then GRIEVE. And Grieve well.At the table with friends and family, LAUGH. If you’re eating and laughing at the same time, then might as well laugh until you puke. And if you eat, then SMELL. The aromas are not impediments to your day. Steak on the grill, coffee beans freshly ground, cookies in the oven. And TASTE. Taste every ounce of flavor. Taste every ounce of friendship. Taste every ounce of Life. Because-it-is-most-definitely-a-Gift.
UBC the church that Kyle pastored released the notes from his final sermon the day he left this earth. This is the end of his sermon, some inspiring words from Kyle Lake, take time to read them.
Live. And Live Well.BREATHE. Breathe in and Breathe deeply. Be PRESENT. Do not be past. Do not be future. Be now.On a crystal clear, breezy 70 degree day, roll down the windows and FEEL the wind against your skin. Feel the warmth of the sun.If you run, then allow those first few breaths on a cool Autumn day to FREEZE your lungs and do not just be alarmed, be ALIVE.Get knee-deep in a novel and LOSE track of time.If you bike, pedal HARD… and if you crash then crash well.Feel the SATISFACTION of a job well done—a paper well-written, a project thoroughly completed, a play well-performed.If you must wipe the snot from your 3-year old’s nose, don’t be disgusted if the Kleenex didn’t catch it all… because soon he’ll be wiping his own.If you’ve recently experienced loss, then GRIEVE. And Grieve well.At the table with friends and family, LAUGH. If you’re eating and laughing at the same time, then might as well laugh until you puke. And if you eat, then SMELL. The aromas are not impediments to your day. Steak on the grill, coffee beans freshly ground, cookies in the oven. And TASTE. Taste every ounce of flavor. Taste every ounce of friendship. Taste every ounce of Life. Because-it-is-most-definitely-a-Gift.
Some friends of his got together and made a short film this summer about these last words to honor Kyle. Trailer
You can still download Kyles sermons here
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Had to work today, drove about 260miles in 9hrs. It was a nice day to be out driving though, all the great colors of fall, the sun blazing, blue skies and Tomlin playing on the ipod, what more could I guy ask for... Oh and I got paid too!
We are gonna carve up some pumpkins... I am sure some photos will be released soon!
We are gonna carve up some pumpkins... I am sure some photos will be released soon!
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Worked a 16hr day yesterday... That will help pay for the couch that we will one day have... one day. Today Ruth and I tried to rake some leaves, I say try because they seem to come back as soon as you get them cleaned up, but we made memories! Here are some photo's.
Tonight we are off to the far away land of Bremen!
Tonight we are off to the far away land of Bremen!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I did see a guy taking a picture of his dog peeing on a tree yesterday! That was the second most exciting thing that happened!
Well yesterday was just another day at work until I got STUCK in the elevator... Yeah I spent 25 min. in a little metal box stuck between the 2nd and 3rd floor! Pretty crazy, I was taking two coolers of blood to the 4th floor when the elevator stopped, I thought I was at the 4th floor but the doors didn't open. The floor indicator said 2^ I pushed some buttons and nothing worked. This is strange I thought to myself... well I pushed the call button and it connect me to security so I told the guard that I was stuck... He said Ok I will call someone! I really regret not having my PSP with me because I could have played some golf while I was waiting, but instead I just sat on the blood coolers and whistled. After about 15min. They opened the doors on the 3rd floor and told me to sit tight, I gave them the blood coolers because they did need to get to the 4th floor and then I waited. After 10 min. they said just climb out, it's broke. Before I did I asked the elevator guy if he had ever seen the movie Speed when the lady is half in and half out and the elevator breaks loose... not pretty(she gets chopped in half) well he said no, it's safe, so I boosted myself out the third floor hatch. The nice thing was that I was still on the clock so at least I got paid some overtime!
When the elevator guy(His name Pete, yeah ironic!) opened the doors the first time he said he had never seen anyone so calm in a stuck elevator as I was still sitting on my blood coolers just smiling. What elses are you gonna do, and now I got a good story for my blog!
When the elevator guy(His name Pete, yeah ironic!) opened the doors the first time he said he had never seen anyone so calm in a stuck elevator as I was still sitting on my blood coolers just smiling. What elses are you gonna do, and now I got a good story for my blog!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I finished Velvet Elvis Last Night... Great stuff! Through-out the whole book you really get a good new overview of the Bible, but it's like viewing it from space, you see how it all fits together (The Big Picture) My favorite and most challenging quote from this section has been on my desktop for two weeks, and I didn't realize that it was from this book until I read it. Overall like I have said after every chapter in this book, check it out for yourselves. I will even let you borrow it, because it shouldn't continue to collect dust on my shelf!
Why blame the dark for being dark?
It's far more helpful to ask why the light
Isn't as bright as it should be. -Rob Bell
And now you can enjoy this quote every time you turn on your computer! click here
Why blame the dark for being dark?
It's far more helpful to ask why the light
Isn't as bright as it should be. -Rob Bell
And now you can enjoy this quote every time you turn on your computer! click here
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Ruth and I have been looking for something to add to the empty corner of our bathroom, and yesterday we found it! Thanks Lowes! (the new South Bend store is now open)

Last night I finished PGA Tour (the psp game) with a 18 hole match against Tiger himself! The prize $2 million, to bad It's not real! I am ready for 2007!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
We had a blast at IKEA this weekend! We arrived there at 10am stopped for lunch there at 1pm(just park your cart and eat) and left there at 5pm! Sounds like a lot of shopping but it flew!
On the way home we had a some good times with Will and Jenn, and stopped at a really great rest stop where we got some Massages and McDonald's. Ikea+ Friends = Fun day
Here is a photo of Ruth and I enjoying the rest stop! (Pay no attention to the shady characters in the backround...)
On the way home we had a some good times with Will and Jenn, and stopped at a really great rest stop where we got some Massages and McDonald's. Ikea+ Friends = Fun day
Here is a photo of Ruth and I enjoying the rest stop! (Pay no attention to the shady characters in the backround...)

Friday, October 20, 2006
I went to the brandywine football game tonight! More so to watch my two cousins who are not on the team do stuff! Like play in the band and cheer! I guess the team lost but the band was sounding great and that half-time show.... KILLER!
Nachos, skittles, hot chocolate and a carmal apple what more could you want on a cold night in Niles, MI!
Nachos, skittles, hot chocolate and a carmal apple what more could you want on a cold night in Niles, MI!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Finished movement 4 and 5 of Velvet Elvis! Rob Bell did his homework, I am loving the Histroy that he gives into the culture of the time of the Bible. Makes some of the stuff I have read a million times make a lot more sense. So much great stuff in this book, really make you think
thanks Rob!
Quote time.
I have been told that I need to have faith in God. Which is a good thing. But what I am learning is that God has faith in me.
The rabbi thinks we can be like him.
-rob bell
thanks Rob!
Quote time.
I have been told that I need to have faith in God. Which is a good thing. But what I am learning is that God has faith in me.
The rabbi thinks we can be like him.
-rob bell
School for Scoundrels was date night last night! Ruth and I have been trying to catch this one for a while now, we got it, it was good!
New Couch!! The only catch is that we have to wait 8 wks. AHHHHHHH!
(photo to come...)
(photo to come...)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I uploaded another video onto YouTube from the Where is God collection! Check it out Still Looking?
Some of my friends and I where just talking about sling shots on Sunday. I found this How to make a slig shot Just don't shoot your eye out.

To Help or Not to Help...That is the ?
Yesterday I was working and I saw a teenage guy on the side of the road having car trouble so I asked him if he needed help? He seemed real on edge and I realized why after I got out of my van to assist him. He told me he had to get his car started before the cops came! I was thinking oh boy, whats next... He told me that he didn't have a license. I asked him if the car was his and he said yeah, Ok well how about we just move the car out of the road and in to that parking lot over there, I said as he is getting more and more tense. We got the car moved and at just that moment I see the red and blue lights... At this point the kid is getting really nervous and he asks me if I can tell the cop that this is my car. I said sorry man, I can't do that but good luck to you, see you later and I walked away. It gave me something to chuckle about the whole way to Elkhart Hospital.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Keen Decoder
I got this cool thing in the mail the other day from best buy it was about the rewards zone program and the Dream Big Sweepstakes! They are having this huge give-away thing but the cool part of it was the decoder that came with it! You log onto the website and put your decoder on the screen and type in what you see. Then you find out if you won or not. You can play everyday and eveyday I lose, but I have to say it brings out the kid in you when you hold that decoder up to the screen! Good times! Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine
(click the ovaltine for a great old-time commercial)
(click the ovaltine for a great old-time commercial)
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Nut shell weekend
Well another busy weekend under my belt...
Last night Ruth and I saw The Guardian Two thumbs up for us!
Still hunting for "The Perfect Couch"
Played some music with some great people!
Starbucks Hot apple cider!
America's funniest Home videos!
Target from Top to Bottom
Last night Ruth and I saw The Guardian Two thumbs up for us!
Still hunting for "The Perfect Couch"
Played some music with some great people!
Starbucks Hot apple cider!
America's funniest Home videos!
Target from Top to Bottom
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I finished the third movement in Velvet Elvis called True... Basically Truth is everywhere! I really like how he talks about missions being a person who goes and helps people see what is already there. Look around you today truth is there and God is truth, wrap your mind around that for a few hours and then when your head hurts watch the Simpson season 8!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The band the Fray has been parked at #1 on itunes top songs with thier song How to Save a Life. I like the song a lot and came across an article that talks about where the song came from. Slade (the frontman) was working at a camp for troubled teens, he said "The song is actually about how to not save a life, like a theoretical confrontation or intervention that doesn't work." Slade says. "And it's sort of the whole concept of the record." (Relevent Magazine)
Read the lyrics here
Read the lyrics here
My car reached a milestone tonight on the way home from work the 100,000 mile club, she's no spring chicken anymore, Me and my car good times... good times....
Well I listened to the first two Movements of Velvet Elvis yesterday...Then I listened to them again...Then I turned on the radio. There is a lot of stuff to chew on already and I just started. I learned the difference between brickianity and springianity and that talking about trampolines isn't jumping, it's talking. There is a lot more that got my thoughts going but I would invite you to check out the book if you never have! I don't wanna spoil it for you.
Ruth and I watched Click last night (not to be confused with my ipod Klick) and thought that it was a really great movie! I give it two thumbs up. Made me think if I was appreciating the here and now and not taking life for granted. See Sandler movies can teach you something!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
FREE on iTunes
This week there are some great free downloads on itunes Mute Math and Brandon Heath Check them out! The price is right!
Finally! Velvet Elvis
Last year for christmas my brother got me the book Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and it's been on my shelf ever since. Finally I got the audio cd's for it from my buddy! So the book can continue to collect dust on the shelf and I don't have to feel bad about it! I will post some of the things I learn from it this week! ta ta for now!
Monday, October 09, 2006
This is a Raid
We have like a thousand of these little water bugs around our house and all over the side of it that are trying to take over. Well not at my house buggy's! I bought some raid at Walgreens last night and gave them the spraying of a lifetime today. The death toll is at 57 and counting. Oh and an interesting fact: water bugs always die on their backs. Learn something new every day!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Weekend Fun!
Had a great weekend
Suprise party+Movie with friends+Playing some music = whole lot of fun!
Suprise party+Movie with friends+Playing some music = whole lot of fun!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Five Stars for Steak & Shake!
Ruth and I had a Date tonight at Steak & Shake and it was the fastest visit I had ever had there!
We even timed it to confirm our theory, 17 min. From order to finish. It was so fast I was only able to drink one vanilla coke the whole visit and if you have ever been to steak & shake with me you know them's fightin words! We got our food 5 min after we ordered it. I just felt like they needed to be put in the spot light tonight so Steak & Shake on 933 Keep up the GREAT work!(Oh and we love the Vegtable beef soup!)
We even timed it to confirm our theory, 17 min. From order to finish. It was so fast I was only able to drink one vanilla coke the whole visit and if you have ever been to steak & shake with me you know them's fightin words! We got our food 5 min after we ordered it. I just felt like they needed to be put in the spot light tonight so Steak & Shake on 933 Keep up the GREAT work!(Oh and we love the Vegtable beef soup!)
Well Ruth and I went for it! We faced the huge crowds of people attracted to the Going out business Sign over K's Merchandise. They have not seen that many people in their four walls ever, that is the ironic thing about a going out of business sale. I guess if they had been going out of business for the last two years they wouldn't have to go out of business... Anyway, We fell for the 10% off sign and bought a crock pot(slow cooker). It is of course a really cool one so that justifies our purchase! Isn't it beautiful?
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Guiness Book
You gotta love the guiness book of world records because without it no one on earth would think about putting on 155 t-shirts. Now someone gets to try to beat that! Check this out
Three Truths and a Lie!
My neighbor was getting some new windows installed today, so I went over and asked one of the workers if he could put some aluminum around my new window for some cash... He said no!
I had good old fashion peanut butter and jelly for lunch
I ate a vanilla tootsie roll today that I got from a furnace repair man
I sucked on a old hose to get the water to start siphoning from a pool
I had good old fashion peanut butter and jelly for lunch
I ate a vanilla tootsie roll today that I got from a furnace repair man
I sucked on a old hose to get the water to start siphoning from a pool
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Film Fest
A couple of weeks ago I was able to attend the ICC at Granger Community Chruch. It was a whole lot of fun! One really cool thing they did was a film fest, so I entered. I didn't place (there was some really good stuff) but I figured I would share my entry with everyone. Let me know what you think...It's Called Where Is God ?
Some songs that keep playing on my ipod this week! (My ipod's name is klick)
Chris Tomlin- See the Morning - Love the whole album!
Jars of Clay - Dead man Carry me - gets you moving!
Audioslave - One in the Same - You gotta love Tom morello's riffs on that one!
Leeland- Sound of Melodies- check it out!
Chris Tomlin- See the Morning - Love the whole album!
Jars of Clay - Dead man Carry me - gets you moving!
Audioslave - One in the Same - You gotta love Tom morello's riffs on that one!
Leeland- Sound of Melodies- check it out!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Does Olive Garden wash the wine glasses?
This weekend I had the pleasure of dining at the Olive Garden with three of my friends which shall remain nameless... Anyway we were sitting around waiting for the waitress to take our order and my dinner party decided to pick up their wine glasses and lick them and or fog them up with their breath. Ok no big deal we all had a laugh and then said I wonder if they clean these... Well time passed the waitress came and we all declined on the wine for the night so the glasses got taken from us and placed back on the counter next to us. WHAT! Minutes later the glassed are picked back up and set on the table next to us for the new guests, who happened to get wine. Hmmm? Maybe we should have spoke up?... And maybe we shouldn't touch the glass you are not going to use. My point, just wipe your glass off next time you get the wine at the Olive Garden
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Irony I guess? I Have not been to Goshen, IN in at least 6 months and I end up spending two different afternoons there at the exact same park! Oxbow park is a really cool park, good enough to visit twice in one weekend! I was invited there on Sat. To go scope it out with my sister and her fiance Dan as a potential spot for their wedding. Then on Sunday My wife and I took some friends of ours there to play since we liked it so much! So (oxbow here is your free advertisement) go check this park out! They got this cool tower, some cool bike trails, Frisbee golf, and some great walking paths not to mention all the great nature around you! It is definitely worth $2 that I made everyone else pay to get in! Anyway here are a few photo's